Sophisticated Summarization

At a Glance
Earnings Analysis

Matterfact’s earnings summaries are curated and distilled to only the most important metrics and insights for institutional investors.
Company-specific metrics quarterly results recap
Detailed near-term and long-term forward guidance
Qualitative management commentary with nuanced quotes
Peer summaries for industry-level perspective
Automated guidance vs results tracking
Dashboard mockup
Granular Diligence

Intelligent Search

Matterfact’s intelligent research assistant helps investors conduct granular financial diligence in natural language on any source from our signals index.
Ask complex questions in dialogue across any of our sources
Verifiable, paragraph level citations references for every answer
Query across multiple years & companies simultaneously
Intelligent search can handle multi-step reasoning and has basic understanding of financial concepts (ex: LTM, TTM, yoy %)
Personalize more nuanced analyses with custom instructions
Signal Scanning

Dynamic Watchlist & Portfolio Monitoring

Matterfact’s AI monitoring engine transforms fragmented, disparate signals into actionable market intelligence for your portfolio and watchlist.

Query your Portfolio

Ask your portfolio or watchlist questions related to exposures and risks to get a sense of impact.

AI-Powered Alerts

Create smart alerts in natural language based on your theses that can be triggered by any source in our index.

Screen Stocks for
Qualitative Factors

Use Matterfact's excel like interface to filter across qualitative factors from our signals index for a group of tickers.

Knowledge Graph

Receive insights including second order effects based on our proprietary knowledge graph.
Our Signals Index

Leverage millions of market-moving signals

Matterfact has organized and made millions of financial data points, AI-ready

Company Filings

SEC EDGAR including 10-K, 10-Q, 8-Ks

Earnings Transcripts

Earnings release and investor
day transcripts

Company Blog

Company web assets including blog, IR page, press releases.

Social Media

Key social media platforms for announcements and comments

Federal Reserve
Economic Database

825,000 economic time series from various government databases

Financial & Industry

Financial and industry news from various top tier publications (coming soon)


Real-time web search for capturing trends, sentiment, and industry insights


Internal data such as notes, memos for proprietary analysis

Discover how Matterfact helps you see further ahead

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